Judo World rating

It is interesting to follow the World rating within judo. Press here for rating WPMAF advices you to follow Nagayama Ryuju from Japan. A true master og the art of Kodokan judo.  

MMA vs Tai Chi

Text from: Fight Commentary Breakdowns on Youtube. “Xu Xiaodong, the MMA fighter who destroyed that Tai Chi wind-bender wannabe, finally got another set of fights together, this time against two Wing Chun “masters.” The fights are epic and telling. One is by Xiaodong against one of the “four great Wing Chun masters in China” Ding Ho. The…

Martial arts growing

Wpmaf have the impression that martial arts are growing and that the diversity are changing. There are more martial arts and the technical level are increasing. The insight are different today from before. It will be interesting to see what the future brings.

The REAL Knife fight

TEXT FROM YOUTUBE This video is going to upset a lot of people, yet I believe it’s important to bring up these arguments. There is a HUGE difference between a threat display and an actual attack. The best answer isn’t to engage, it is to run away. Check out these reports and stay safe. The…

A Great MASTER Ryan Hoover

Criminals operate under certain parameters. If you understand these parameters you get an edge on the criminal. In this video Ryan Hoover get stright to the point explaining what instructors normally forget to tell. Nobody tells this better than Ryan. Criminals will get close to you; giving you an opportunity to change the power. Remember…